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øæ̯ŋkʷəskə juwtuw øæ̯nʲsʲəkʷətæːtəleastern mansi (EM)Semeon Alagulov (15.12.1904) Andrei Ivanovitš Jutkin (27.12.1904)prose (pro)Bear Songs (bes)1559by Schigutt, Hannah
Text SourceEditorCollector
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti, Wogulische Volksdichtung V. MSFOu, volume 116, p. 191-194Kannisto & Liimola (KL)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
"A woman takes her daughter into the hut of the bear feast und tells her not to be stupid"
by Schigutt, Hannah - Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola: OUDB Eastern Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1559. Ed. by Janda, Gwen Eva. (Accessed on 2024-06-01)
A woman takes her daughter into the hut of the bear feast und tells her not to be stupid
A woman enters with her husband, leads her daughter inside by one hand.
The husband has a wooden penis on his front side,
on his backside there's a hump.
The woman says to her daughter:
"Little girl, little girl!
I have brought you into a hut laid out with white fir brushwood,
I have brought you into a hut laid out with spruce brushwood.
I have brought you into a hut where white fir brushwood is burning,
I have brought you into a hut where spruce brushwood is burning,
I have brought you in to look at the corner of a hut full of corners that was built with corners by a man's son,
‎‎I have brought you in to look at the nook of a hut full of nooks that was built with nooks by a man's son.
Don't find any spot (here) that your eyes are ashamed of,
Don't find any spot (here) that your mouth is ashamed of!
I have brought you into a full play hut of young girls,
I have brought you into a full play hut of young boys.
Gather up the fortunate ends of the hundred bones, born by your mother, the woman, left lying in a hundred places"
With turning legs, with turning arms
move with grace movement!
That you were born by a father, you don't know,
that you were born by a mother, you don't know.
With a hammer and a pliers
you have been forged.
You appear here, a daughter born from that."
She turns the husband to (the daughter): the husband's penis is hanging (down).
The woman says to her daughter: "Your father's middle wood is visible here."
The husband was ashamed,
he slipped out.
The woman told her daughter to dance:
"My daughter, your trimmed head, trimmed to a hundred hairs,
your head, sway (it)!"
She dances and sways it back and forth.
"My daughter, your two arms of a ten-fingered woman,
your arms, move (them)!
My daughter, your bottom broad as a fish board,
your bottom, sway (it)!
The ten animals (at) the end of your braids,
the twenty animals (at) the end of your braids,
let your animals play!
Your two legs of a ten-toed woman, your legs, move (them)!
Go outside!"
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