Panteley Evrin (Cheymetov Panteleymon Kirillovich, 1913-1947), writer and translator, author of the first tale in Mansi “Вораянг хумыг / Vorayang khumyg (two hunters)”, which was published in 1940 in Leningrad. With I. Yarkin as his co-author he translated the Mansi Tales von Maksim Gor’kiy (1939), the memoires of the polar pilot A. Lyapidevskiy “Chelyuskintsy” (1939), sketches about Sergey Kirov (1949, 1941) and others.
He was Konda Mansi and was born as a hunter’s and fisher’s son in the village Evra (that’s why his pseudonym is Evrin). 1932-1941 he studied at the Department of the Peoples of the North in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) and participated in an ethnographic fieldwork expedition in the Konda rayon . His collections are kept in the art chamber (today – Museum for Anthropology and Ethnography Saint Petersburg). He started writing in his native language on the advice of his professor M. G. Voskoboynikov. As a student, he played a role in the movie "Семеро смелых (The seven adventurous)".
In 1941 he was conscripted to the army, served with the marines of the Northern Fleet , in the counter-intelligence and in the military intelligence service SMERSH in the Ukraine. In 1944 he worked in the Department for Anti-Partisan Warfare in the administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the UdSSR in Tyumen’ Oblast’. He was convicted for murder on the grounds of jealousy in 1945. He died from tuberculosis on 1st January 1947 in prison.
With a few cuts, the tale “Two Hunters“ was reissued in Russian: Чейметов П. [Cheymetov P.]. Два охотника [Two Hunters] // Литература Югры. Проза. Антология. Часть 2. - ИФ «УНИСЕРВ», 2001; Проза народов Крайнего Севера и Дальнего Востока России [Tales of the Peoples of the North and the Far East of Russia ]. - Москва : Сев. просторы, 2002. - [Кн. 1]. - S. 479-492. An analysis of the tale was published by Eva Tuluz: Тулуз, Ева [Tuluz, Eva]. Взгляд из Франции [From a French perspective] // Мансийская литература / сост. В. В. Огрызко. - Москва : Лит. Россия, 2003. - S. 101-113.
В помощь краеведу. Материалы к календарю знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 2003 г. [To support the local historian. Materials for the calendar of memorable events of the Tyumen‘ Oblast‘ for the year 2003].– Тюмень, 2003. – С. 72-73. Николай Коняев. Вчера, сегодня и всегда. Ретровзгляд на литературную жизнь Югры. [Nikolay Konyaev. Yesterday, today and forever. A look back on Yugra’s literature life].
Vogul népköltési gyűjtemény.
Saját gyüjtése és Reguly Antal hagyományai alapján közzéteszi Munkácsi Bernát.
[Collection of Vogul folk poetry.] (at, in Hungarian)
Originally published 1892 by Magyar Tudományos Akadémia in Budapest.
Munkácsi's Vogul népköltési Gyűjtemény (1892, 1892, 1893, 1896) was published in four volumes. The accompanying volumes to two of them were published after Munkácsi's death by Béla Kálmán in 1952 and 1963.