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Elena Skribnik

Elena Skribnik

Current position:

Director, Institute for Finno-Ugric Studies, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany


Institute for Finno-Ugric Studies
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Ludwigstr. 31
80539 Munich
phone: +49 89 2180 1379; +49 89 2180 3430


MA 1975, Novosibirsk State University
Ph.D. 1981, Moscow State University
Habilitation 1989, Institute of Tibetology and Mongolistics, Ulaan-Ude

Professional experience record:

1975–1980: Novosibirsk State University, trainee researcher/postgraduate student
1980-2001: Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Philology, Department of Siberian Languages, junior researcher (Buryat; Siberian Turkic languages)/senior researcher (Mongolic, Siberian Turkic and Ob-Ugric languages)
1998-2001: Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Philology, deputy director
1986-2001: Novosibirsk State Technical University, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, department head (part-time position)
1992-1994, 1997: Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, research fellow (Goethe-Institut Bremen & University of Hamburg, Institute of Finno-Ugric/Uralic Studies)
1999: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Institute of Finno-Ugric Studies, DAAD visiting professor
2000: University of Hamburg, Institute of Finno-Ugric/Uralic Studies, DAAD visiting professor
2001-to date: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Institute of Finno-Ugric Studies, full professor

Member of professional bodies:

International Finno-Ugrists’ Committee
Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura
Societas Uralo-Altaica
Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen
Association for Linguistic Typology
Editorial board of the series Yazyki i fol'klor narodov Sibiri (‘Languages and folklore of peoples of Siberia’), Novosibirsk, Russia; Uralo-Altaiskie issledovaniya (‘Ural-Altaic studies’), Moscow, Russia; Vestnik ugrovedeniya (‘Ugric studies’), Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia; Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen; Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne; Uralica Helsingiensia

Fieldwork with Altaic and Uralic languages of Siberia:

1977 Buryat (Khori dialect), 1979 Buryat, Evenki (Barguzin dialect), 1980 Tuvan, 1981 Altai-kiži, 1982 Tuvan, Khakas (Sagai dialect), 1984 Khanty (Kazym dialect), 1985, 1986, 1987 Mansi (Sosva dialect), 1989 Mansi, Khanty, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2003 Mansi, 2005, 2006 Mansi, Khanty, 2008 Buryat

Educational activities:

Participation in educational programs for indigenous peoples at the University of Novosibirsk (chair of Siberian languages for students who represent various Siberian minority groups, established in 1991), pedagogical college Khanty-Mansiysk, Yugra University (Khanty-Mansiysk, opened in 2001), Institute of Tibetology and Mongolistics (Ulaan-Ude).
Compiled, together with Mansi educationalist Dr. Klavdija Afanasyeva, the first teaching manual of the Mansi language intended for students of Mansi national schools and pedagogical institutions with a poor knowledge of their native language; preprint 2004, a seminar for teachers of national schools in the Vanzetur village (Khanti-Mansiysk Autonomous District, Beryozovo region) in September 2004, approbation at the pedagogical college Khanti-Mansiisk and the Department of Ob-Ugric Philology at the Yugra University 2004-2007, second revised and expanded edition 2007. Expanded online version with audio materials 2013, new edition in preparation for 2015.

Research projects:

2002-2006: "Extension of the Possibilities of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia in Obtaining a High Level Education", funded by the European Commission as a part of the priority area "Combating racism and xenophobia and discrimination against minorities and indigenous peoples", expert consultant
2006-2008 "Buryat-Mongol Syntax", DFG/RFFI-project
2007-2008 "Syntaktische und pragmatische Untersuchungen in den uralischen Sprachen" ("Syntactic and pragmatic research in Uralic languages"), German/Hungarian project as part of the DAAD program "Projektbezogener Personenaustausch" ("Project-related exchange of personnel") (D/06/05872)
2009-2012: "Ob-Ugric languages: conceptual structures, lexicon, constructions, categories (An innovative approach to creating descriptive resources for Khanty and Mansi)", ESF EuroBABEL project (08-EuroBABEL-OP-015), initiator and project leader
2011-2012: "Vergleichende syntaktische und semantische Untersuchungen in den ugrischen Sprachen" ("Comparative syntactic and semantic research in Ugric languages"), German/Hungarian project as part of the DAAD program "Projektbezogener Personenaustausch" ("Project-related exchange of personnel") (50752914)
2011-2014: "Digitales Konstruktikon dreier mongolischer Sprachen (Temporalkonstruktionen)" ("Database of temporal constructions in three Mongolic languages"), Fritz Thyssen Foundation project (Az.
2011-2014: "Kontrastive Beschreibung syntaktischer Strukturen und Vertiefung syntaxbasierter Aspekte einer Übersetzungstheorie und Methodik für das Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Finnisch" ("Contrastive description of syntactic structures and syntax-based aspects of a translation theory and methods for the language pair German/Finnish"), German/Finnish project as part of the DAAD program "Projektbezogener Personenaustausch" ("Project-related exchange of personnel") (54285282)
2014-2016: "Constructions with adverbial clauses in Mongolic languages (Khalkha, Buryat and Kalmyk)", Fritz Thyssen Foundation project (Az.
2014-2017: "Ob-Ugric database: analysed text corpora and dictionaries for less described Ob-Ugric dialects", DFG/FWF project (SK 165/3-1)


7 books, ca. 60 articles
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