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Participating Researchers

Here you can find the profiles of the project members of OUDB and the cooperating researchers. Since OUDB is a collaboration of two universities, the staff is much smaller than the research group of OUL with its collaboration of four universities. Some researchers from OUL are also part of the OUDB team, while also new members have joined us. OUDB is also grateful for the continued help and advise of the OUL supporters!

Project Leaders

Elena Skribnik (Munich)
Timothy Riese (Vienna)

Team Leaders

Gwen Eva Janda (Munich)
Zsófia Schön (Munich)
Viktória Eichinger (Vienna)

Members of the Project Team

Christiane Jobst
Markus Kunzmann
Axel Wisiorek

Student Assistants

Stefanie Eckmann
Yury Snigirev
Anna Wolfauer

Cooperating Researchers

Márta Csepregi
Susanne Grandmontagne
Michael Rießler
Hannah Schigutt
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Last update: 24-08-2023