Originaltitel | Dialekt | Informant | Genre Form | Genre Inhalt | ID | glossiert | Audio |
joɒ̯k #!# oːʃən koːt oːjtəsnə | pelym mansi (PM) | Jeblankov, Feodor Ljepifanovich | prose (pro) | Children’s Rhymes (chi) | 1297 | glossed | – |
Textquelle | Herausgeber | Sammler |
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1963): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. VI. Band. Schicksalslieder, Klagelieder, Kinderreime, Rätsel, Verschiedenes. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 134. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 128-129. | Liimola, Matti | Kannisto & Liimola (KL) |
Englische Übersetzung | Deutsche Übersetzung | Russische Übersetzung | Ungarische Übersetzung |
"Big sister! How have your looks changed so" | – | – | – |
by Riese, Timothy |
Zitation |
Kannisto & Liimola 1963: OUDB Pelym Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1297. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. http://www.oudb.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/?cit=1297 (Accessed on 2024-11-23) |
Big sister! How have your looks changed so |
Big sister! How have your looks changed so? Swimming over the lake, over the Ob, that's where my looks changed so. How large are your lake and your Ob? My lake? When a swan swims, it is hardly to be seen from either side. How large is your swan? My swan is so big that it covers a brush-wood hut. How large is your brush-wood hut? My brush-wood hut is so large that the barking of a dog is scarcely to be heard from either side. Hiw big is your dog? My dog is so big that it can rip a cone off the top of a pine. If these were not your words, I would eat you here, I would drink you here. |