Original Title | Dialect | Informant | Genre Form | Genre Content | ID | glossed | Audio |
kuːsəŋ pɘwləŋ wuj anʲsux eːri | eastern mansi (EM) | prose (pro) | Bear Songs (bes) | 1570 | by Schigutt, Hannah | – |
Text Source | Editor | Collector |
Munkácsi, Bernát (1893): Vogul népköltési gyűjtemény. 3. kötet. 1 füzet. Medveénekek. Kiadja a magyar tudományos akadémia: Budapest. p. 126-132 | Munkácsi, Bernát (MU) |
English Translation | German Translation | Russian Translation | Hungarian Translation |
"Song from the old animal of the Kūseŋ village" | – | – | – |
by Schigutt, Hannah - Riese, Timothy |
Citation |
Munkácsi, Bernát 1893: OUDB Eastern Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1570. Ed. by Janda, Gwen Eva. http://www.oudb.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/?cit=1570 (Accessed on 2025-03-13) |
Song from the old animal of the Kūseŋ village |
Upper god, the sitting man my dear father! Through your seven-fold glass window when you are looking down your berry heath full of berries spreads far out, your bird cherry headland full of bird cherries spreads far out, your coned pine forest full of cones spreads far out. Your many little women covered with white scarves pick a lot, with a cone-rimmed Jur basket they pick a lot. Upper god, the sitting man my dear father! On the end of a gold chain you let me down: On the end of a silver chain you let me down: Next to my many little women covered with white scarves with a cone-rimmed Jur basket I would pick a lot." Next to your many little women covered with white scarves, you will probably not raise a godly voice, will probably not raise a devilish voice, will probably not tear them into mitten pieces will probably not tear them into cloth pieces?" Upper god, the sitting man my dear father, I will not do this to them." Now he has been let down at the end of a silver chain, he has been let down at the end of a gold chain. In the coned pine forest full of cones he walks around a lot, on the bird cherry headland full of bird cherries he goes around a lot. on the berry heath full of berries he goes around a lot. He encountered many women covered with white scarves. His many little women covered with white scarves with cone-rimmed Jur baskets pick a lot; With his picking bear-paw basket he started picking next to his little women. There he also raised a godly voice, there he also raised a devilish voice, there he also tore them into mitten pieces there he also tore them into cloth pieces... The upper god, the sitting man his dear father cursed him: In the morning after leaving and as long as you live a horse hair that is hanging on your nose shall not rise a blade of grass that is hanging on your nose shall not rise!" His coned pine forests full of cones he goes around a lot: there are no cones, His bird cherry headlands full of bird cherries he walks around there a lot: there are no bird cherries, His berry heaths full of berries although he walked on them a lot: there are no berries: The upper god, the sitting man his dear father has cursed him that way. The old mother thrush sits on a tree trunk, the old mother thrush he jumped at her. The old mother trush she began to rail against him: A horse hair that is hung on your nose shall not rise, a blade of grass that is hung on your nose shall not rise: You got what you deserved, you shat yourself!" While he was going there, he looked back: The father's black horse is now coming towards him. He then flees, wanders through much hilly land, wanders through much pitted land, he himself trudges as a slow man, he fell asleep on his one ear, he fell asleep on his one eye. When he suddenly looks back: his father's red brown horse is now coming towards him. Then, while he walked on a little his father's grey horse is now coming towards him. He tore off the grey horse's tail. The upper god, the sitting man his dear father then cursed him again: Two boys born at the same time, with bow and arrow made out of rod wood, the two shooting boys on a grass meadow full of grass they will shoot you!" When he stepped down towards the water in the middle of the swamp on the grassy Ax-meadow full of grass the two boys born at the same time, with bow and arrow made out of rod wood, the two shooting boys shot him. Screamy five screams to the upper god, the sitting man, their father they screamed to him there. |