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The OUDB Northern Mansi corpus (NM) contains selected published texts by Kannisto (1951, 1956) and Rombandeeva (1996), some unpublished manuscripts from the collection of V.N. Chernetsov , as well as articles from the Northern Mansi newspaper Luːimaː Seːripos. The notations of the original sources were all standardized and are now reflected in IPA characters. The original notations are both transcriptions and a few examples from literary language. Please find more details here. The original translations were partially adopted and were partially revised to ensure clarity.

glossed only audio only
annotated only
7 maj - radʲio xotal northern mansi (NM) May 7th - day of radio 1230 prose (pro) Journalism (jou) glossed en dt ru
"waːpsxum! janiɣ ne oːnipən, oːnipən kantli: […] northern mansi (NM) The Mother-In-Law Wants to Have New Clothes from the Son-In-Law. 1164 poetry/song (poe) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
akʷ ojk oːli. toːrəməl pats, takkeːt, maːnəl pats, takkeːt. northern mansi (NM) A Lonesome Man Lowers his Son to the Earth, the Fate of the Son. 1143 mixed (mix) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
akʷ ojk oːli. xuːrəm piɣ onʲsʲi. […] northern mansi (NM) Legend of a Man's Youngest and Lazy Son who at the End Becomes a Protective Spirit. 1144 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
akʷ joːrən oːli, aːɣjiɣ piɣiɣ onʲsʲi. […] northern mansi (NM) Samoyeds rob a Samoyed Family but Are Destroyed Themselves. 1136 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
akʷ xum oːli takkeːt paːwəlt, takkeːt uːsət. northern mansi (NM) Tax Collection of the Protective Spirits 745 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) glossed en dt
am eːpəŋ saːn uːnttəsəm […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer while Offering a Food Sacrifice. 1034 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
am pupiɣeːkʷam mirsusnexumna wiŋkʷe taxwəs […] northern mansi (NM) A Tutelary Goddess Betrays the Man that Views the World 752 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
am ti(j) tuːsʲtəm aːnʲtəŋ uːjəm […]. northern mansi (NM) Prayer while Offering a Blood Sacrifice. 1036 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
am tij uːnttum sorwit oːln(e) akʷ taːɣlum […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer during Sacrifice of Food which Is Offered when Travelling to or near a Sacred Site on the Water. 1038 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
anja wanʲojka aːɣi eːrɣe northern mansi (NM) Song of the Daughter of the Old Man Ivan from Anja 1067 poetry/song (poe) Fate Songs (fas) en dt
aːjasojka kaːstil. northern mansi (NM) Conjuration Prayer to the Old Man at the Little Ob. 1090 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
aːnʲtəŋ ui, toxəŋ ui tuːsʲteɣan ke […] northern mansi (NM) The Magician's Reply after Finishing the Foretelling. 1051 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
aːsmaːxəm oːleɣt. laːweɣt […] northern mansi (NM) Two Men's Journey to the Source Region of the Ob, to the Forest Spirits 768 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
ekwa piɣrisʲ akʷental oleɣ northern mansi (NM) How Ekwa Piɣrisʲ tricked the prince of the town 1234 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed en dt ru hu
ekʷa piɣrisʲ northern mansi (NM) The Old Woman's Nephew 1235 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed en hu
eːkʷa piɣrisʲ nʲaːl paːxwti northern mansi (NM) eːkʷa piɣrisʲ shoots with his arrow 1229 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed Audio en dt ru hu
eːkʷa piɣrisʲ aːkʷentəl oːleəɣ. aːkʷe witen minas. northern mansi (NM) How Eːkʷa piɣrisʲ sued for the hand of the Waterking’s daughter 1238 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed en dt hu
eːkʷaɣ ojkaɣ akʷ aːɣi onʲsʲeɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) The Moːsʲ-Woman and the Por-Woman 786 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
eːkʷapiɣ aːkʷeːnt oːleɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) The Old Woman's Nephew and the Forest Spirits 763 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
eːkʷapiɣrsʲ meːŋkʷət paːlt xajtəs, kolalan nokxaːŋxəs, surm northern mansi (NM) The Old Woman's Nephew and the Forest Spirits 765 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
eːkʷapiɣ aːkʷeːkʷal oːleɣ. xos oːlssiɣ, waːtʲi oːlssiɣ [...] northern mansi (NM) An Old Woman's Nephew, Fortune Dispensing Man, and Prince of the City 781 prose (pro) Tales (tal) en dt
eːkʷapiɣrsʲ aːkʷənʲsʲ oːleɣ. apɣe ta kos woːraji, neːmatər a northern mansi (NM) An Old Woman's Nephew, Fortune Dispensing Man, and Prince of the City 782 prose (pro) Tales (tal) en dt
eːkʷapiɣrisʲ siɣalnaːrpi waːrs. […] northern mansi (NM) The Old Woman's Nephew and the Por-Women (Fragment) 794 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
eːli xoːn maːt xanʲisʲtaxtasuw northern mansi (NM) We studied in a faraway country 1231 prose (pro) Journalism (jou) glossed annot. en dt
eːpəŋ a:na, eːpəŋ puːt ti uːnttəsəm. […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer while Offering a Food Sacrifice. 1035 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
eːtkotəlʲ jirəŋ naj sʲaːnʲ […] northern mansi (NM) Baptismal Prayer 801 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
owleːt matər porat northern mansi (NM) The Holy Fireflood 742 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) glossed annot. en dt
uj xanʲsʲtənə parnə eːriɣ northern mansi (NM) Animal Teaching Song of Farewell 1131 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en hu
urmoikʷe jeɣaːɣi xum toti takʷi paːlte. […] northern mansi (NM) The Little Lean Man's Sister and the Forest Spirits 770 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
jaɣn kol, aːŋkʷən kol pattan ta noməlmatsən. […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer. 1041 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
jalpuːsojka kajsow. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Man of the Holy City. 1071 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
janiɣ saːwt oːls witkəsʲ. […] northern mansi (NM) Two Forest Spirits and a Mammoth. The Forest Spirits' Red Chalk Pit 769 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
janiɣ tuːliɣlap. northern mansi (NM) Big Performance. The Man that Views the World Chases a Gull on Horseback that Has Stolen a Silver Plate, Catches up with it, and Takes the Plate back. 1156 poetry/song (poe) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
jaːtəl xumim! […]. northern mansi (NM) Lament Sung by the Widow at her Husband's Grave. 1170 poetry/song (poe) Laments (lam) en dt
jaːtəl piɣkem! […] northern mansi (NM) Lament Sung by the Mother at her Son's Grave. 1171 poetry/song (poe) Laments (lam) en dt
jipiɣ tuːliɣləp. northern mansi (NM) Performance of the Eagle Owl. 1166 prose (pro) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
jiːwtʲilʲ alɣalʲ maːxəm oːlmət northern mansi (NM) A Girl's Rescue through a Sacrifice 753 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) glossed en dt
jowtimsoːs xumikem nʲaːləŋ ne saːt tinkem pusən reːpweːst [ northern mansi (NM) Song of a Woman Born in Sʲtsʲekurja and who Was Married off to Men first in Jovtimsoːs and then in Sartynja 1065 poetry/song (poe) Fate Songs (fas) en dt
joːŋxup samən pati pəl nʲawramt akʷan atxateɣt. […] northern mansi (NM) The Children Sacrifice Food to the Moon. 1174 mixed (mix) Ethnographic Texts (eth) en dt
xajtne tul, minne tul silmaŋ uːseːt nʲuːrəmwoj-, uːntwojkosp northern mansi (NM) A Boy (the Prince of the Holy City) Leaves on Vendetta, Kills Many Forest Spirits and Gains a Wife. 1137 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
xatanʲiɣ lapoːŋxtim paːrsal mineɣ […] northern mansi (NM) World View 743 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xolieːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Morning Song. 1154 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en dt
xoːpsi oːli, kolalat xuji. […] northern mansi (NM) What Is Strong? 1173 drama/conversation/dialogue (dia) Children’s Rhymes (chi) en dt
xulax tuːliɣləp. northern mansi (NM) Performance of the Raven. 1165 mixed (mix) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
xum aːɣməŋ, xuːrəm taːle tuwe aːɣməŋ siməŋ kakreːtəl. […] northern mansi (NM) Cure of a Sick Person by a Samoyed 756 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xum xiwli. xoːnteli. potərtaneteːn sujti […] northern mansi (NM) A Holy Place Loses its Nature as a Sacred Site 759 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xum minas ulateːn, sunsi: jowt xani. […]. northern mansi (NM) Stone Statute of a Moose 761 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xum mini, xoːnteli. aːɣit xajtiɣtaneːnl sujti, nas suːlɣeɣt. northern mansi (NM) A Ball Game of the Forest Spirit Girls 771 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xuːrəm xum oːleɣt. aːsʲanəl jaləm xolitoːrmat kaːsəŋ jaːn mi northern mansi (NM) Three Men and a Mis-Woman 773 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xuːrəm xum oːleɣt. maːnʲ xumiɣ woːrn minesaɣ, janiɣ xumiteːn northern mansi (NM) Three Men, Three Girls, and a Woman that Gives Fire in Return for Tall Tales 783 prose (pro) Tales (tal) en dt
xuːrəm moːsʲneː taːnkeːnəl kolt oːleɣət. […] northern mansi (NM) Three Moːsʲ-Women and an Eagle Owl Protective Spirit 788 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
xuːrəm xum oːleɣt, akʷ aːpsʲirisʲeːn. northern mansi (NM) A Boy Hated by his Older Brothers Carries a Wild Animal out of the Sosva and Becomes a Protective Spirit. 1145 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
xuːrəm oːtər oːleɣt. tox oːlneːlən xalt xuːrəm oːtər joxtəst northern mansi (NM) The Three Princes from the Sosva. 1146 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
xuːrəm xum oːleɣt. akʷ xumjanəl saːt kis porɣən naməŋ oːtər northern mansi (NM) The Prince that Jumps over Seven Hoops, the Prince White as a Nut Seed and the Prince with a Fur Coat Made of Worm-Eaten Reindeer Bull Skin. 1147 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
kaltasʲeːkwa aːɣite tuːliɣlap. northern mansi (NM) Performance of the Daughter of the Old Woman of Kaltasʲ. 1157 mixed (mix) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
kaltəs piɣ kaːstaneːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Song Calling to Kaltʲ's Son. 1155 poetry/song (poe) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
kasʲinʲs kit joːrən oːleɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) Legend of Two Samoyed Brothers. 1142 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
katkasʲi jeɣaːɣinʲsʲ oːleɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) A Little Bird and His Sister 784 prose (pro) Tales (tal) en dt
kaːsŋ saːmsam janiɣ pupɣət tuːjaɣ pusən toːrəmn xaːŋxeɣt. [… northern mansi (NM) The Protective Spirits’ Caucus. 746 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
kit joːrn oːleɣ. janiɣ xumite […]. northern mansi (NM) The banished Samoyed. 1239 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed en
kit xum minasaɣ woːrna, jaːwaːta xosit joːmeɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) A Buried Treasure 758 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
kit nʲawram potərteɣ. akʷate laːwi: […] northern mansi (NM) Parts of the Face. 1172 drama/conversation/dialogue (dia) Children’s Rhymes (chi) en dt
leːɣŋ luwl ti jinʲəsləm […]. northern mansi (NM) Prayer while Giving a Vow of Sacrifice. 1037 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
lili. northern mansi (NM) The Soul. 1175 prose (pro) Ethnographic Texts (eth) en dt
lownʲuːrəmne, misnʲuːrəmne […] northern mansi (NM) Variant of the Preceding Performance. 1158 poetry/song (poe) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
lʲakʷrusip rusiŋ toːr pinəm naj […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer to the kaltsʲeːkwa during the Sacrifice on Occasion of Childbirth. 1039 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
masmaseːkʷa piɣ porsanʲateːt oxsar xanʲsʲuwls. […] northern mansi (NM) The Masmas-Old-Man’s Son 779 prose (pro) Tales (tal) en dt
maː eːntəptanə moːjt northern mansi (NM) Tale of the Encircling of the Earth 1122 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en hu
maː teːləm jelpiŋ moːjt northern mansi (NM) Sacred Tale of the Origin of the World 1125 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en hu
maːtaːprisʲ tuːliɣləp. northern mansi (NM) Performance of the Mouse. Two Men Hunt down Seven Reindeers, but they Consider the Killing of a Mouse as a Special Heroic Achievement. 1160 mixed (mix) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
maːte ke xosa ma […]. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Woman (or the Daughter?) of the Old Man of Teːk. 1028 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
meːŋkʷojka alɣalʲ mini, joːmi. […] northern mansi (NM) The Old Man from the Middle Sosva Kills a Forest Spirit 748 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
meːsiɣ xum jekorka eːrɣim eːrɣe. northern mansi (NM) A Song Sung by Jegorka, a Man from Meːsiɣ. 1169 poetry/song (poe) Fate Songs (fas) en dt
mir-susne-xum Toːrəm-piɣ numəl taːratim eːrɣe northern mansi (NM) Song About the Lowering of the Heavenly Son, the World-Watching Man to the Earth 1123 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en hu
mir-susne-xum Sorni-aːter saːtmile xal-pawlt northern mansi (NM) Supplication to the World-Watching-Man, the Golden Prince 1124 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en hu
mirsusnexum toriɣ pojksʲane waːrmalʲ. northern mansi (NM) Prayer to the Man who Views the World 800 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
mirsusnexum piɣe (jowtimsoːs oːtərpiɣ) kaj. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Son of the Man that Views the World (of the Prince's Son at the Jovtimsoːs). 1042 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
moxərleːŋnapiɣrsʲ nʲolŋakʷe sujiŋakʷe xuːrman oːleɣt. […] northern mansi (NM) The Young Mocher Squirrel, the Billed One, the Loud One, and the Forest Spirits 764 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
mosʲne piɣ onʲsʲas. xotəl uːlt teːls, at waːwe […] northern mansi (NM) The Moːsʲ-Woman and the Por-Woman 776 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
mosʲne aːɣjiɣ piɣiɣ oːleɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) The Mosʲ-Woman and the God Nicolaus 789 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
mosʲneː jeɣpiɣketeːntəl oːleɣ kit koləl. […] northern mansi (NM) A Moːsʲ-Woman, a Moːsʲ-Man and a Bear 793 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
moːrtim maː northern mansi (NM) Southcountry 889 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed annot. en dt ru hu
muwnkes eːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Song from Munkes. 1153 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en dt
najtaːl xum, oːtərtaːl xum oːli. […] northern mansi (NM) A Man Goes to another Man, Helps him to Fight against the Enemy and Gains his Sister as his Wife. 1141 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
neː soːrpnʲowlʲ jalpəŋti. […] northern mansi (NM) An Example of Taboos. 1176 prose (pro) Ethnographic Texts (eth) en dt
neːɣəɣ xumiɣ juwsʲalteɣ. […] northern mansi (NM) A Man Brings his Sick Wife to the Great Lord at the Petchora Source Who "Heals" her in an Obscene Manner. 1162 mixed (mix) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
nila xum mojt northern mansi (NM) A tale of four men 1232 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed annot. en dt ru
nusa eːkwaːɣ oːjkaːɣ os karr northern mansi (NM) The Poor Old Woman, Her Husband and the Woodpecker 1233 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed annot. en dt ru
nʲaɣsʲtolʲəxeːkʷ oːli. piɣe nʲajtwaːrnmaːn wowwəs. […] northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Son (?) of the Old Woman from the Source Region of the Njaɣsʲ. 1043 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
nʲaɣsʲtolʲəxeːkʷa kajsow. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Woman from the Source Region of the Njaɣsʲ. 1045 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
nʲajtaklaneː xum nʲajtaklaŋkʷ pats […] northern mansi (NM) Magical Song. 1049 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
nʲaxsʲamwolʲpaːwl luwjo:wlt taːnwaːrpeːkʷ oːli. […] northern mansi (NM) The Sinew Yarn Spinning Woman 775 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
nʲuːrəmwoj uːntəm kolən sʲaltsəm. […] northern mansi (NM) Peter Who Has Been to Tobolsk Struts. 1161 poetry/song (poe) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
paːxʷəŋtit eːriɣ northern mansi (NM) Song from Paːchveŋtit. Woman's Song. 1063 poetry/song (poe) Fate Songs (fas) en dt
paːkʷpoːsi wojkan oːtər kaŋke jot kit xum oːleɣ. northern mansi (NM) The Prince White as a Nut Seed. 1138 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
paːŋxʷeːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Fly Agaric Mushroom Song. 1152 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en dt
pes porat oːjka xuːrəm piːɣ oːnʲsʲi. northern mansi (NM) In olden times there lived a man who had three sons. 1237 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed annot. en dt ru
peːtrux aːsʲ keːtəm saːt olən jaːrmakaːssin. […] northern mansi (NM) Refusal of a Sacrifice 755 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
peːtʲkoika kit piɣaɣe jot kimna minasət. […] northern mansi (NM) Removal of a Worm from the Ear 757 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) glossed en dt
poləmnəl kʷaːli lʲaːmja. […] northern mansi (NM) A Holy Pond 760 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
poləmtoːrəm ojka piɣ kajsow. […] northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Son of the God of Pelym. 1089 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
pupakʷ minimeːte soːwr kaːsals. […] northern mansi (NM) Fragment of a Song. 1150 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en dt
sa:tmil. northern mansi (NM) Conjurations. 1052 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sa:tmil. northern mansi (NM) Conjurations. 1072 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
saːŋxi alsʲlan ojka. northern mansi (NM) The Man that Catches Common Scoters. 1163 prose (pro) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
saːt xar xaːitəm wojkanwitup teːpəŋ as […] northern mansi (NM) The Magician's Words while Detecting the Sender of the Malady. 1053 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sisəmtitoika xuːl alsʲlaŋkʷ minam, xuːl ta kem saːw ta alam. northern mansi (NM) The Old Man from the Sisum-Estuary and the Water King's Daughter (Mis-Woman) 772 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sortəŋjaːnəl kitəntiɣ weːrstasup palit alɣalʲnuw uːrineːkʷ u northern mansi (NM) The Crow Woman 774 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sorwit akʷ taːɣl, maːwit akʷ taːɣl […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer at the Start of a Journey 805 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
soːraxt ojka kajsow. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Man at the Soːraxt. 1070 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sujpil lupta paŋxwit josaŋ xum (mojt) northern mansi (NM) The man with skis, small like lingonberry leaves (tale) 1073 prose (pro) Tales (tal) glossed en dt ru hu
suwkis joːŋxam laːkʷəŋ tuːr […] northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Woman of the Gull. 1048 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
suːkərjaː xum aːsʲikem kol kiːwərt […]. northern mansi (NM) Another Song of the Woman Mentioned in the Song before 1066 poetry/song (poe) Fate Songs (fas) en dt
suːkərja aːɣi eːrɣim eːrɣe. northern mansi (NM) A Song Sung by a Girl from Sʲtsʲekurja. 1168 poetry/song (poe) Fate Songs (fas) en dt
sʲaːliɣ aːxʷtas, mor aːxʷtas pitrəŋ uːsəl uːnlen kitiɣ […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer to the Protective Spirits from the Head Waters of the Holy River. 1040 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sʲoxriŋ oika pojkawe. northern mansi (NM) Praying to the Old Man of the Knife 797 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sʲoxriŋ oika xartən, xartən […]. northern mansi (NM) Words of the Snuff Crushing Man 804 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sʲoxriŋojka kaje. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Man of the Knife. 1044 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
sʲulʲsʲi juwsʲalti, kolkan muwl joːŋxi, porɣi, towlaɣe xosɣi northern mansi (NM) The Water Skater Intimidates the Bear. Closing Rites of the Bear Ceremony. 1167 prose (pro) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
taɣtkotʲəlʲojka piɣe woːrn minas. […] northern mansi (NM) The Old Man's Fight on the Middle Sosva 749 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
taɣtkotʲəlʲojka mir ats, lusəmna jis, witjalpəŋəna […] northern mansi (NM) The Middle Sosva Old Man’s Raid to the Sacred Site on the Water 750 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) glossed annot. en dt
takʷkeːt pawləŋ takʷkeːt uːsəŋ moːsʲne keːrəŋ paːkʷsam janit northern mansi (NM) The Moːsʲ-Woman, the Por-Woman and the Old Woman of the Sun 777 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
takʷsi poːlʲne joːŋxup tarməl toːrəmn tapalojka neːpakəl ta northern mansi (NM) Distribution of the Prey by Old Man Tapal 747 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
taːxt sʲaːrsʲ pattanl maː xulʲiɣts […]. northern mansi (NM) Creation of the Earth 741 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) glossed annot. en dt
teːpaŋ aːs, xuːlaŋ aːs talʲaxt […] northern mansi (NM) Prayer during Blood and Food Sacrifice 795 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
teːrn ke xulʲiɣli […] northern mansi (NM) The Magicians Song while Praying over the Invalid. 1050 prose (pro) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
teːrnəŋ eːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Heroic Song. The Man Suffering Pain. 1135 poetry/song (poe) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
teːrnəŋ eːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Heroic Song (Prosa). The Prince White as a Nut Seed. 1139 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
teːrnəŋ eːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Heroic Song. Out of Jealousy a Prince Kills his Brother. 1140 poetry/song (poe) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
toːrew numəl taːratimate porat aːsʲeːn xansʲtawe: […] northern mansi (NM) Teachings Given to the Bear while Being Lowered. 1149 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en dt
toːreweːriɣ. northern mansi (NM) Bear Song. 1151 poetry/song (poe) Bear Songs (bes) en dt
turman kol waːrawe, ulʲa lapxariɣtawe, isnas lap sowl taɣata northern mansi (NM) "Dark Hut". Magical Song of the Old Man from the Holy Ural in the Source Region of the Sosva. 1088 mixed (mix) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
tuːliɣlap. northern mansi (NM) Performance at the Bear Ceremony. Three Men Travel in the Boat to an Island to Sacrifice. A Storm Rises, Two Men Are Drowned, the Third One, a Magician, Rescues Himself. 1159 poetry/song (poe) Performances at Bear Ceremonies (bep) en dt
tuːlʲamurəŋ ojka kajsowe. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Man from the Hill Crest Tuːlʲam. 1047 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
wisəmtolʲəxeːkʷa kajsow. northern mansi (NM) Magical Song of the Old Man from the Source Region of the Vissum. 1046 poetry/song (poe) Mythological Texts (myt) en dt
woːrjatalʲax oːtərpiɣt xuːrəm xum oːleɣt. akʷ jeɣaːɣi oːnʲsʲ northern mansi (NM) The Sons of the Prince of the Source Region of the Forest River. 1148 prose (pro) War Songs - Heroic Songs (her) en dt
= 137 texts
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